Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Deep Fried Hysteria

By: Richard Berman:
New York Daily News

First of all, New York, let's take a deep breath. Good? Good.
A little oxygen does wonders to clear the head, which raises questions about the air supply at the city Health Department. Its proposal to eradicate all artificial trans fats from every restaurant in the city is nothing short of hysterical.
No, trans fats aren't anyone's idea of health food. But in a city where anyone waiting for the train can play "Spot the Rat" - and win three times out of four - it seems like City Hall might have its priorities out of order. The dangers caused by trans fat are a far cry from those of, say, E. coli in spinach.
For one thing, we've been eating trans fats for decades. The Harvard School of Public Health reports that the amount of trans fat in the average American's diet has not changed since the 1960s. Since that time, our life expectancy has grown - but so have our irrational fears.
Bottom line: Trans fat isn't healthy, but that doesn't make it nearly the danger some say it is.
What's especially frustrating about the proposed mandate is that it subjects the restaurant industry to a terrible case of regulatory whiplash. In the early '90s, when the nutrition activists at the Center for Science in the Public Interest and other groups started clamoring against saturated fats, restaurants moved on their own to provide offerings containing, for instance, less butter. In many cases, that meant turning to trans fats as an alternative - because those very same activists encouraged their use while dismissing the health risk. As CSPI's Bonnie Liebman wrote in 1990: "The Bottom Line ... Trans, shmans."
Restaurants aren't very good at anticipating the unpredictable demands of activists or political appointees - most of whom would never set foot in any establishment as déclassé as the kind that might serve fried foods - but they're very good at satisfying the demands of paying customers.
If they can declare New York City a trans fat-free nanny state by bureaucratic fiat, what can't Commissioner Thomas Frieden and his minions ban? Throwing out all the ice cream in the city might lengthen a few people's lives, too. But New Yorkers probably wouldn't appreciate it.
And with this new regulatory push, the iron fist in the latex glove is grasping for more than just control over the fat content of foods. The Health Department is also preparing to require that restaurants put nutrition information front and center on menus and menu boards, whether customers want it there or not. The cruel irony is that the proposal only applies to restaurants that already offer nutrition information on their own.
The lesson we're learning is that no good deed goes unpunished. Restaurants nagged by self-proclaimed health advocates to usher in trans fats 15 years ago are now being forced by big government to abandon them. And restaurants that already go beyond what the law requires and offer nutrition information get, well, more regulation.
Maybe the radical solution is to let consumers - not bureaucrats - dictate what restaurants do. After all, you know what they call a restaurant that doesn't believe that the customer is always right? Bankrupt.
Richard Berman, a native of the Bronx, is executive director of the Center for Consumer Freedom.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Traitor's Tirade: Rep. John Murtha Soils The Corps

by Gunnert Sergeant Bob Newman (Otherwise known as Gunny Bob)

In a statement that has angered, embarrassed and humiliated Marines around the globe, one of our own -- a retired Marine Corps Reserve colonel -- has called for the legendary fighting force to retreat from Iraq and surrender to the terrorist organization that has killed thousands of Americans at home and abroad. He has even called for the United States to enter into negotiations with al Qaeda. This vermin’s demand for retreat, surrender and negotiations with the enemy is so committed to assisting al Qaeda in their efforts in Iraq that he has posted his unspeakable demands on his website in the form of an official statement.
The traitor, Democratic Rep. John P. Murtha, agrees 100% with Osama bin Laden and Abu Musab al Zarqawi that the Marine Corps, which is mangling the enemy on a daily basis in Iraq and suffering comparatively light casualties, should lay down its arms, call it quits, and abandon the people they are defending in the fledgling democracy of Iraq.
Furious Marines from wars as far back as World War II are spitting mad at the cowardly colonel and many want his head on a stake in the middle of the Marine Corps Commandant's lawn. Personally, I would not soil that good earth with so vile and despicable a piece of offal.
Encouraging retreat is viewed as aiding the enemy by the Marines and is a violation of Article 104 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, which is punishable by death. Currently serving Marines, active duty or reserve, who encourage surrender are in violation of Article 100 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, an offense also punishable by death. Because Murtha is retired, he is virtually assured of not being prosecuted.
However, he will be celebrated by al Qaeda and other terrorists around the world. At this very moment, al Qaeda communications specialists are likely prepping pieces of propaganda using Murtha’s traitorous tirade as a tool to recruit fresh killers by showing them that even an American Marine (apologies to Puller) believes his allegedly beloved Corps is so inept in battle that retreat and surrender are the Marines’ best option and perhaps should, in fact, be added for the first time to the Leathernecks’ vast, quasi-mythical repertoire of operational art and battlefield strategy.
Murtha joins the likes of traitor Clayton Lonetree, the Marine security guard who gave top-secret intelligence to the Soviets, and traitor Robert Garwood, the Marine who went over to the enemy during the Vietnam War and was involved in holding and abusing US prisoners of war in North Vietnam while wearing the uniform of the enemy.
The Marine Corps is famous for its members standing their ground and winning fights against outrageous odds. Battles with names like the Peking Legation, Belleau Wood, Guadalcanal, Tarawa, Iwo Jima, the Chosin Reservoir, Khe Sanh and Fallujah decorate the hallowed halls of Corps history. Especially repugnant is how Murtha is insisting upon surrender while the Marines are decimating the enemy en masse.
Marines should ask Murtha if Chesty Puller would order retreat and surrender before the enemy.
John "The Jellyfish" Murtha should be shunned by all Marines and, if possible, legal steps should be taken to prevent this betrayer from being buried in a national cemetery upon his demise.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Straight Pride

Ok, I am not a gay basher or a bigot. I'm just tired of all the "In-your-face" gay stuff. I picked up the paper the other day. The front page had an article on gay rights. I turned to the obituaries where it said a prominent minister had died. It also indicated that he was an advocate of gay rights. Then I turned a few more pages to find out that the first openly gay senator had died.
everytime I turn on the television, there is some new gay character on a show. Its like the networks and he media are saying it's ok to be gay. Sorry, but I am a Bible reading Christian. And like all Christians I have sin in my life, but I always repent and try to do the right thing. But what I don't do that a lot of gays do, is to be in your face about their sexuality. I don't run around saying "I am a heterosexual, look at me". And all of the gay symbols that are in your face. The rainbow, which used to be the symbol of God's promise never to again flood the world's inhabitants. The teletubbies which is a show enjoyed by my own children has now been taken over by the gays. Even the Peanuts gang with Charlie Brown and Snoopy has their own gay member, Peppermint Patty. Or so the gay community claims. Well that's enough. From this day forward I will and encourage other straight people to, profess their Heterosexualality to everyone. In fact I have come up with a symbol for us, the unsilent straight minority. A flag to represent us. A Straight Pride flag. Wear it with Pride.

Neither O'Donnell nor ABC has apologized

ABC's Rosie O'Donnell told a nationwide audience this week that "radical Christians" are the same as radical Muslims who piloted hijacked jetliners into New York's Twin Towers, who chop off the heads of individuals and who bomb innocent children in suicide attacks. O'Donnell made her comments as host of ABC's "The View." "Radical Christianity is just as threatening as radical Islam in a country like America where we have separation of church and state," O'Donnell said. She had been saying that America was attacked "not by a nation." She continued: "And as a result of the attack and the killing of 3,000 innocent people, we invaded two countries and killed innocent people." Even her liberal co-hosts were shocked by her comments. Co-host Joy Behar protested that Christians are not trying to impose mass murder on America. "This group (radical Muslims) is threatening to kill us." Replied O'Donnell: "No, but we are bombing innocent people in other countries. True or false?" O'Donnell was saying there is no difference between the radical Muslims who kill in the name of Allah and Bible-believing Christians who follow the teachings of Jesus. Neither O'Donnell nor ABC apologized for the comments. Had she made similar comments about minorities or homosexuals, there would have been an apology, and she would have probably been fired. The message from ABC is that bashing Christians is acceptable, even comparing them with murderers who kill in the name of Allah.
Take Action
Tell ABC that O'Donnell's comments deserve an apology and a reprimand.1. Send the email to ABC asking for an apology and a reprimand.2. Forward this to your friends and family, and ask them to send the email to ABC.
Brian Frons, President, ABC DaytimeABC 77 West 66th St.New York, NY 10023-6298Primary Phone: 212-456-7777Fax:

Friday, May 12, 2006

Baby Names

Ok, I give up. Channel 9 news KUSA recently had a story about the most popular baby names in Colorado. First the story starts out with the most popular baby names in Colorado.
It didn't say the most popular for Caucasion babies, it said the MOST POPULAR
in Colorado. The most popular boys names are: Jacob, Joshua, Alexander, Joseph and Ethan. The most popular girls names are: Emma, Abigail, Olivia, Hannah, and Samantha. So then they go off and list the most popular for Hispanic and African-American babies. The most popular Hispanic baby names are: Jose, Juan, Daniel ,Lewis Ashley, Maria, Isabella, Mia and Emily. The most popular names for African American babies are: Neveah, Trinity, Destiny, Elijah, Isaiah Why the separation. They didn't list Caucasion babies, why? The original list said MOST POPULAR BABY NAMES IN COLORADO. Afraid of leaving someone out? I just don't get it.
You can read the story for yourself and make up your own mind at the link listed below.
And the media wonders why there is racial tension out there. The media themselves are creating it with stories like this.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Bennish Bologna

What is up with this Colorado Geography teacher, Jay Bennish??? What has the world come to when students can't simply go to school and learn the subjects that are taught in the curriculum that is set up by the administration. I know when I was a kid in school the teacher never injected any politics into their teaching. Geography is the study of the earth and its features and of the distribution of life on the earth, including human life and the effects of human activity.
Now when I was taught this subject in school, it had nothing to do with politics. Oh sure there were political undertones as in a country being split into two, i.e. Germany WWII. However it was taught in a way that the facts were presented without personal opinion. I have no problem with students being taught to form their own opinions, but when a teacher takes a side then most of the students are apt to take that teachers side since as we all know students are easily influenced to think a certain way. Young people are very subceptable to the influences of their teachers which is why we are all sent to school when we are very young. Its easier to teach a child something than it is to teach an adult. A child's mind is open to suggestion more. Teachers like Bennish need to understand that they are in a position of power. The power to take a handful of young people and have an influence on them for the rest of their natural lives. How many of us still think about a favorite or even not so favorite teacher even 20 years after we have finished school. Its because that teacher had ether a very positive or a very negative influence on us. Maybe Bennish realizes this and is using it to influence the next generation to think like him. Hmmm, sounds kinda like.....Hitler. Didn't Bennish say the exact same thing of our President?
Mr. Pot, meet Mr. Kettle. Since we are on the subject of opinions, It is my opinion that a major problem with this country is not many of us still have respect for the presidency anymore. There was a time when not all of us liked some of the things that the President did, but we still had respect for him, because he was the president. Now days people left and right just slam the president for any little thing they can find. Those of you who remember your history will know that President Roosevelt was disabled and wheelchair bound. In his time however, not many of the general public knew. Why you ask? Because the general public and the Whitehouse press corps had respect for the presidency and things like that were not easily discovered. Some of you may think its the publics right to know, but what about personal privacy. What about how the rest of the world would see a wheelchair bound president. Probably in his day it would have been seen as a sign of weakness on the part of our enemys. I would say that that would make it a matter of national security. You see our right to know things cannot override national security. What if the press leaked the location of our D-day invasion. The end of WWII would have been much different and more American lives would have been lost. So people like Bennish can go on and preach his opinion, just not to students. He can find out things about the president or the government because of his "right to know", but a what cost. How many lives will our right to know cost? What is it doing for our troops overseas defending the very freedom of speech Bennish enjoys? The President kinda like Hitler? I don't think so. Hail Bennish...Hail Bennish.
That has a nice ring to it, don't you think so Jay?

Friday, February 03, 2006

Why is the media not all over this???

When you turn on the TV you see people protesting the war. You know what that's great, being able to say what you want to is a great part of the country that we live in. The problem is that all that you see. The TV tries to glorify the protesters making them into some sort of marters. The Photos above are from the only Christmas letter that PFC Joshua Sparling got at Walter Reed Medical Center. This was dubbed the "death-wish" card. Here it was it says FRONT: Flag, Bear, and Bald Eagle. INSIDE SAYS: Dear, Soldier have a great time in the war and have a great time dieing int he war. From Miguel. P.S. DIEThis was a card for a man who was wounded fight in Iraq. He was told to die! Why is the media not all over this report?

PS Thank you Joshua for your sacrifice

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Homosexual Agenda Pushed in Movies Like Brokeback Mountain

By Paul Strand Washington Sr. Correspondent

WASHINGTON - Brokeback Mountain is the biggest, boldest attempt yet by Hollywood to gain sympathy, if not outright support, for those practicing the homosexual lifestyle. It is not just an isolated effort. There is a well-planned propaganda campaign at work -- a campaign laid out all the way back in the 1980s.
The movie Brokeback Mountain looks like a big, bold, manly Western movie. But instead of the usual "boy meets girl" romance, this film's about "cowboy meets cowboy." It is one of the most forward attempts so far by Hollywood to mainstream homosexuality. "It is very, very propagandistic, because the entire purpose of the movie is to make homosexuality seem like something good and appealing, and to make people who are opposed to homosexuality bigots and homophobes," said David Kupelian, author of The Marketing of Evil.
There have been homosexual movies for years, but they are usually marketed to gay and art-house audiences. But not with Brokeback.
"They are marketing Red State, Bush-country America," Kupelian said.
But the way the studio did that was by opening it up in just five Blue State cities where there were large, built-in gay audiences, so the first showings had blockbuster numbers.
"And they get these high numbers and all the buzz going,” Kupelian said, “and then pretty soon it's sort of like the emperor's new clothes effect: we're all looking at that -- even middle, Christian America, saying, 'Everybody else says this movie is so great. I need to go see it to see why it's so great.'"
Is there an actual agenda at work here?
Authors Alan Sears and Craig Osten, in a book called The Homosexual Agenda, warn about a complex and well-thought-out strategy to make America "gay friendly" and hostile to those who resist. These Christian authors quote extensively from After the Ball, a 1989 gay manifesto that laid out this agenda. Many gays deny such an agenda exists.
Gay activist Toni Broaddus, the executive director of Equality California, asserts, “There's no secret plan or even public plan at this point."
But the authors of After the Ball discuss in the book about a 1988 summit of gay leaders in Warrenton, Virginia, who came together to agree on the agenda. These authors are Marshall Kirk, a reportedly brilliant researcher into the brain, and Hunter Madsen, a Harvard-trained expert in public persuasion tactics. The two men proposed using tactics on ‘straight’ America that are remarkably similar to the brainwashing methods of Mao Tse-Tung's Communist Chinese -- mixed with Madison Avenue's most persuasive selling techniques. The purpose of this brainwashing? According to Kirk and Hudson, it is to use "...the very processes that made America hate us, to turn their hatred into warm regard -- whether they like it or not." First, they proposed homosexuals and their liberal allies should desensitize heterosexuals by getting homosexuality talked about as much as possible in the straight world.
"The main thing,” the authors said, “is talk about gayness until the issue becomes thoroughly tiresome…You can forget about trying right up front to persuade folks that homosexuality is a 'good' thing. But if you can get them to think it is just 'another' thing, meriting no more than a shrug of the shoulders -- then your battle for legal and social rights is virtually won."
Sears said, "We're talking about a demand for a behavior that not only wants to not be condemned, but to have every affirmation from every possible point that it is correct, it's good and it's approved."
Now look at the media. There is a tidal wave of gays and gay themes -- "the L word" is a show-time hit that follows the lives of a group of lesbians. Desperate Housewives even has time for the occasional gay guy subplot.
And a flamboyant homosexual is one of the main characters in the brand-new series Emily's Reasons Why Not.
Heights, one of the most popular independent films lately, has a closet gay torturing himself over whether to marry his fiancée or go off with the man he really loves. Happy Endings features another tortured young man who cannot be happy until he finally faces his homosexuality.
And in the latest movie section of The Washington Post are these: The Family Stone, which depicts a mom who insists she would just as soon have gay kids as straight ones; The Producers, which features a wildly homosexual Broadway director, and Capote, all about the famously gay writer.
Another point that Kirk and Madsen push is to "portray gays as victims of circumstance and oppression, not as aggressive challengers...Gays must be portrayed as victims in need of protection, so that straights will be inclined, by reflex, to assume the role of protector."
Benjamin Bull of the Alliance Defense Fund said, "Suddenly those who choose homosexual behavior...sodomy...are victims. It's crazy!"
But have homosexuals won on getting themselves seen as a persecuted minority?
Turning to the movies, the wildly-popular Saved portrays born-again Christians as cruel homophobes trying to re-program poor, young misunderstood gays in their midst. Trembling before God is about how Orthodox and Hasidic homosexuals are persecuted and not accepted. The Conspiracy of Silence argues that some gay priests are hounded to death because they cannot act out their homosexuality.
And the list of gay-centered, gay-sympathetic shows goes on and on...closeted Canadian homosexuals in Touch of Pink, and closeted Asian lesbians in Saving Face.
And the good, kind, understanding homosexual next door has been seen in so many movies and TV series, that he has become somewhat of a cliché’.
These days, some 30 regular homosexual characters are being beamed into your home by the major networks every week. As Kirk and Madsen put it, "The average American watches over seven hours of TV daily. Those hours open up a gateway into the private world of straights, through which a Trojan Horse might be passed."
And speaking of horses -- like it or not -- the gay cowboys of Brokeback Mountain are playing to big crowds in a theater near you right now.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Gay Cowboys

There is a movie out in some theaters now called Brokeback Mountain. Apparently it is a movie about gay cowboys, from what I can tell. I haven't seen it, but I guarantee you that I will never see this movie, ever.The interesting aspect of the movie is how everyone is wondering how this movie will do in flyover country. Now, I am no political scientist, nor am I a movie industry executive, but I think I can safely say that in places like Canton, Ohio or Waterloo, Iowa or Branson, Missouri that this movie will be a severe flop. Of course, the lame "writers" at the New York Times predict a new wave of acceptance. But if it doesn't happen, they will claim the Midwest is still a hotbed of gay haters. But enough of them, it isn't worth anyones time to take apart a NYT editorialist who has never probably lived in the Midwest, much less participated in a manly activity like going to a football game or grilling a sausage.Normal, cornfed Midwestern guys like me and the friends I have don't want to see movies with gay men in them. Simple as that. Nothing to analyze, no hidden agendas, no secrets. We are men that don't like to see other men holding hands, kissing or anything else. That's it. Hey, look at that, millions in potential research dollars saved, by me! I await the check from Hollywood. I think a mass release of the gay cowboy movie all over the Midwest is a stupid move.Why does everything need to be so complex?

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Give me a break already!

So I went to Albertsons the other night to pick up a few things. Had the three kids with me, 11, 6. & 4. So while we are at the store the kids ask me if they can rent a movie. Well normally I rent at Hollywood video, but I figured I'd kill two birds with one stone and get the movie at Albertsons since they had convieniently had a movie rental section in the store. So the kids picked out a movie and we went to pay for the other stuff. I asked the clerk how much the movie was. She said $1.99. She asked for my membership card to which I replied I didn't have one. Now I have shopped other grocery stores who have movie rentals and they ususally ask for a drivers license and a credit card to sign you up for a membership. I had both and was prepared to do business.
Well the clerk said that she would need to see a currnet copy of my phone bill. I replied, "Say again". She said it was the Albertson's policy that all new members will provide a curent copy of their phone bill. I said, "Sorry, I took the phone bill out of my pants when I washed them last night." Hello, who in their right mind walks around with a phone bill in their pocket?
I said, "what about a credit card?" She replied. "no, it is the policy that we have to have a curent phone bill." Well needless to say I walked out without the movie and went to hollywood video to get one. So if you are planning on going to the store and rent movies, be sure you have your phone bill. Who knows they may even laminate it for you.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Top ten reasons to consider you might be from Boulder











Friday, December 30, 2005

Mall Justice Is Swift And Harsh

by John Ambroz (Mall Security Officer)

My name is Ambroz., I walk a cruel beat. I do not work in an office cubicle or behind a counter. The promenades and boutiques of Park Meadows Mall are my home. I am a Security Guard. Don’t thank me. I’m not in it for the accolades. If you just respect your fellow shoppers and throw away your cups when you’re finished, that’s all the thanks I need.
Monday, 12:14pm. I am dispatched to Orange Julius on a disturbance call. A Caucasian woman in her early 30's is complaining about a hair in her drink. I can hear her carrying on all the way from the Sunglass Hut. But when she lays eyes on my uniform, she gets quiet real quick and starts listening to reason. She might have torn the place apart if I hadn’t been there.
Monday, 2:33pm. I get a report of a dog entering the mall at the Foley’s lower-level entrance. Arriving on the scene, I see an adult golden retriever leading a blind African-American male in his late 50's. Seeing-eye dogs are the one exception to the mall’s strict no pets rule. Crisis averted.
I can still remember my first day on the job. It was trial by fire. Not an hour after my shift started, I exited the service corridor and saw some kids walking up the down escalator. Escalators are apparently a big joke to them. A big joke until they get a taste of mall justice, Ambroz style. I told them that if I ever saw their faces around there again, they’d better not be heading up the down escalator. That straightened them out, but good.
I see the would-be troublemakers every day, those who would shout or litter or run. They are the punks who think its funny throw wadded-up mall maps or Arby’s wrappers off the level-two balcony at helpless passerby. When they see me, a kind of resentment flares up in their eyes. They see me, and they know: Ambroz is here, and that garbage isn’t gonna fly. Their twisted idea of “fun” isn’t welcome here.
It all started when I was a young boy. Every Saturday, my mother would take me to the mall. My pulse would quicken at the sight of Kay-Bee Toy & Hobby Shop and Dream Machine video arcade. But more than anything, the mall security guards fascinated me. Their crisp uniforms, their regal bearing, that sense of purpose---these were leaders among men.
Then, one Saturday, when I was eight or so, some bullies from school grabbed my hat and ran off with it. A security guard not only stopped them, but he told them to give my hat back. I knew right then and there what I would grow up to do.
Today I have achieved my dream. But do not think it is all glory and parades. My life is a hard one. Without me there would be anarchy. Anarchy stretching from J.C. Penny perfume counter to the Suncoast Motion Picture Company, and extending well into the Nordstrom’s parking lot. Not in my mall. Over my cold dead cadaver will teens loiter in the food court. It’s not fun telling them to buy something or leave. But if I don’t, who will?
There is a bar next to the movie theater, and that means mall drunks---the lowest form of life. Last month, a group of such persons decided to “have a few” before tottering off to see “The Wedding Singer”, and they came out so inebriated that one of the young ladies accidentally walked into Foot Locker, apparently mistaking it for the movie theater. I apprehended the drunk and advised her of the proper facility. Case closed.
Christmas time is the worst. Twice the bodies, 10 times the potential for chaos. I can feel the tension mount the day after Thanksgiving, when Santa’s Workshop goes up. That’s the day I start going on Vivarin to keep myself alert through the five-week marathon. December is a blur, a roiling river of people, ever threatening to overflow its banks and destroy the carefully maintained paradise that is mall life. Security is doubled for the holidays, but I wish it were tripled. I can only be in one place at a time.
Monday, 5:04pm. I pass by the Electronics Boutique. Parts of me wants to face my demons, but I cannot bring myself to do it. I walk past the store without looking. More than two years later, the memories are still too painful, the wounds are too fresh.

Thursday, November 3, 1995. Early afternoon. I have been working as a security guard at Park Meadows Mall for two, maybe three months. The world is my oyster. I veer off my usual route and stop for a Mountain Dew at Mrs. Fields. As I lean against the counter, shooting the breeze with Gail, I hear a distinctive clap-clap sound coming from the direction of the Electronics Boutique. That sound can mean only one thing----running. Past Walden Books, Eddie Bauer, Lane Bryant, and Sbarro runs a young Caucasian male. Paul, the assistant manager of Electronics Boutique is pursuing him. I give chase, but I a too late. The perpetrator has escaped with a brand-new copy of Madden ‘96.

YOU COULD HAVE BEEN THERE. I was young, damn it. YOU COULD HAVE STOPPED HIM. I am a human being, not a god. HE IS OUT THERE, STILL. I don’t know that.
Stop, I tell myself. Wrestle with your demons on your own time. You have a job to do, a mall to protect. Although I admit it t no one, I still find myself wishing that shoplifter would return. Return and take on the older, wiser John Ambroz. Then, at long last, I would have a chance to conquer my dark side and feel alive once again. Then I could finally spend nights watching television or reading a book like a normal person, rather than obsessively going over the mall layout, planning heists and plotting getaways in an attempt to understand and anticipate my foe’s every move.
There are 120 stores in Park Meadows, and a million stories. Mine is an age-old one, the story of good struggling against evil in the clean-swept arena of suburban retail. If I could be in every mall, everywhere, I would. But I cannot. It is up to all of us

Monday, November 28, 2005

MORE things that drive me absolutley crazy!!!

When I recieve a bill in the mail and the due date for the bill is the same day it was delivered

Doctors who's only agenda is not your well being, but to push NEW drugs on you because they receive compensation from the phamaseutical companies.

When retailers start putting up Christmas/Thanksgiving decorations before Halloween.....HELLO!!!
(side note: if they are going to do that then there should be a new combined holiday called

When the movie in the theater next to yours is louder.....Anyone here ever heard of sound proof walls?

The fact that hardly anyone dresses up for Award shows anymore....even the Oscars.

While I'm on the subject of dressing up, no one dresses up for Church anymore either.

People who walk into the entrance of a store and stop dead in their tracks to answer their phone or get something out of their purse.....Get out of my way!!!!!

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Things that drive me absolutely CRAZY! >:-[

People that don't use turn signals either when they are turning or changing lanes

Store clerks who walk around like they don't see you and almost run into you.

People who drive aound with their music cranked up loud and their windows down.

Stores that always close 15 minutes early.

People who reply to an email, but hit "reply to all" when its not necessary.

Mailmen who come at different times everyday.

People who call me repeatedly while I'm gone, but don't leave a message.

People who send me an email with about a mile of other forwarded emails attached

People who don't answer their cell phone right away because they want you to hear their really cool ring........................NOT

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Movie Critics

Movie Critics, I have three words for you........GET A LIFE!
Oh my goodness, you guys are the most arrogant, unrealistic, and grumpy people whom I have ever encountered. Get a life, or at least learn to enjoy life a little. Who peed in your cheerios anyway. I know you are called critics, but give me a break. Enjoy the movie for once in your life.
You only live once, learn to relax. Most people will tell you they enjoy most of the movies they see and even if they didn't, they arn't real nit picky about every little thing in the movie. Gene Shallitt of NBC. Who are you fooling man. Whats with the frizzy hair and the bushy mustache. Have you not heard of hair relaxer and a mustache trimmer. How can anyone with any amount of intelligence take you seriously. Go back to the circus you were traveling with before you started pretending to be a movie critic. Oh and the same goes for you. Learn to enjoy your life a little and stop being such a grump. If the world had few less grumpy people around and learned to just relax, it would be a better place to live. I invite anyones comments.