Friday, March 10, 2006

Bennish Bologna

What is up with this Colorado Geography teacher, Jay Bennish??? What has the world come to when students can't simply go to school and learn the subjects that are taught in the curriculum that is set up by the administration. I know when I was a kid in school the teacher never injected any politics into their teaching. Geography is the study of the earth and its features and of the distribution of life on the earth, including human life and the effects of human activity.
Now when I was taught this subject in school, it had nothing to do with politics. Oh sure there were political undertones as in a country being split into two, i.e. Germany WWII. However it was taught in a way that the facts were presented without personal opinion. I have no problem with students being taught to form their own opinions, but when a teacher takes a side then most of the students are apt to take that teachers side since as we all know students are easily influenced to think a certain way. Young people are very subceptable to the influences of their teachers which is why we are all sent to school when we are very young. Its easier to teach a child something than it is to teach an adult. A child's mind is open to suggestion more. Teachers like Bennish need to understand that they are in a position of power. The power to take a handful of young people and have an influence on them for the rest of their natural lives. How many of us still think about a favorite or even not so favorite teacher even 20 years after we have finished school. Its because that teacher had ether a very positive or a very negative influence on us. Maybe Bennish realizes this and is using it to influence the next generation to think like him. Hmmm, sounds kinda like.....Hitler. Didn't Bennish say the exact same thing of our President?
Mr. Pot, meet Mr. Kettle. Since we are on the subject of opinions, It is my opinion that a major problem with this country is not many of us still have respect for the presidency anymore. There was a time when not all of us liked some of the things that the President did, but we still had respect for him, because he was the president. Now days people left and right just slam the president for any little thing they can find. Those of you who remember your history will know that President Roosevelt was disabled and wheelchair bound. In his time however, not many of the general public knew. Why you ask? Because the general public and the Whitehouse press corps had respect for the presidency and things like that were not easily discovered. Some of you may think its the publics right to know, but what about personal privacy. What about how the rest of the world would see a wheelchair bound president. Probably in his day it would have been seen as a sign of weakness on the part of our enemys. I would say that that would make it a matter of national security. You see our right to know things cannot override national security. What if the press leaked the location of our D-day invasion. The end of WWII would have been much different and more American lives would have been lost. So people like Bennish can go on and preach his opinion, just not to students. He can find out things about the president or the government because of his "right to know", but a what cost. How many lives will our right to know cost? What is it doing for our troops overseas defending the very freedom of speech Bennish enjoys? The President kinda like Hitler? I don't think so. Hail Bennish...Hail Bennish.
That has a nice ring to it, don't you think so Jay?

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